Saturday, June 6, 2009

What You Should Be Listening To EXTRA

Let's call this "What You Shouldn't Be Doing..." I'm lazy. I think people who know me can attest to this. I do what I need to do, but on my off time I am as immobile as possible. So, recreation for me involves going to movies, eating out **pause... or not**, going to friends homes and talking with them, and in the past there was video games. Technology exists to make people lazier. If that weren't true, we would all be walking over to the television to change the channel. It's for all these reasons I thought the Nintendo Wii was going to fail. If I want to be active, I can go outside. Again, my friends can attest that I play video games while lying down with my hands behind my head. Who wants to "do stuff" while playing video games. A game you play while doing stuff is usually called a sport. I hate sports. So, when Wii began to sweep through America, I initially thought it was just a price thing and Americans renowned sloth would soon spell the counsuls demise. Wrong. WRONG! People really seem to enjoy hanging out alone flailing their arms like idiots. Meanwhile, I haven't felt the urge to get involved with Wii. The virtual counsul has some good old fashion non-amulatory games, but that's not worth the price tag of the system. Now that I've gotten that out. I'll get back to more musical matters. You shouldn't be playing Wii. You look like a spastict idiot.

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